What do You want to accomplish with Your mortgage? Jo Garner can make it easy for you on a home purchase or refinance. Jo is focused on finding the right mortgage product that will get you what you need today and serve you tomorrow too.   –Jo Garner, Licensed Mortgage Originator, NMLS 757308

 Download "10 Ways to Improve Your Credit"

Improve Your Credit Scores Without the High Price To Pay A Professional Company And Get The Best Rates And Terms On Your Purchases.

Disclaimer:  Equal Opportunity Lender.  Some restrictions apply.   The article on improving credit are suggestions and do not work 100% of time depending on credit factors.

  • Today mortgages and car loans and other credit are priced based on your credit scores. If your scores are high (over 740), then you get the best pricing.  If your scores are low, then your terms can be hard to handle. Get your scores up and your interest rates down
  • Even though there are professional consultants who know how to improve your credit scores, you can do most of it by yourself and with no hefty fees.
  • For under $50, you can have your credit report processed through a credit simulator to determine exactly what you need to pay off, pay down, or what type of account to open in order to raise your scores to the level you desire.

Sign up on the form to receive your FREE copy and get started!

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Trending Windows of Opportunity in Real Estate 2025

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