by Jo Garner | Feb 2, 2022 | Appraisal, Closing, Credit, Downpayment, Finances, Financing, Financing & Refinancing, Fixing, Home Buying, Housing Market, Mortgage Loans & Rates, Tips, Tricks & How To's
Today you will get some ideas from others on ways to shelter your finances from rising interest rates and inflation. Ken Cope of Roof Maxx will be giving you some extra options on how to keep your roof in good shape without having to replace it. Just like the weather,...
by Jo Garner | Jan 31, 2022 | Appraisal, Benefits, Closing, Credit, Downpayment, Finances, Financing, Financing & Refinancing, Home Buying, Housing Market, Loan Programs, Money, Mortgage Loans & Rates, Tips, Tricks & How To's
If you have traveled around the sun enough times, you know that a day can change for you in a matter of seconds. We never know what unexpected circumstance will cross our path, so how can you prepare? Real Estate attorneys Rob Draughon and Shelley Rothman will be...
by Jo Garner | Jan 26, 2022 | Credit, Downpayment, Finances, Financing, Financing & Refinancing, Fixing, Home Buying, Housing Market, Mortgage Loans & Rates, Tips, Tricks & How To's
On Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe today Ed Hill, host of MemphisMaintenanceShow.podbean and Senior Consultant with Masters Roofing will be sharing with you the top priority maintenance items you don’t need to every forget to do. Later in the show we will hear about how...
by Jo Garner | Jan 10, 2022 | Appraisal, Closing, Credit, Downpayment, Finances, Financing, Financing & Refinancing, Home Buying, Housing Market, Loan Programs, Mortgage Loans & Rates, Tips, Tricks & How To's
PLOT YOUR ROAD TRIP TO PROFIT USING REAL ESTATE AND YOUR MORTGAGE IN 2022 Good morning, Memphis! Welcome to our internet listeners and podcast listeners across the 50 states! You’re on Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe. I’m your host, Jo Garner, Mortgage Loan Officer. You...
by Jo Garner | Dec 6, 2021 | Credit, Downpayment, Finances, Financing, Financing & Refinancing, Fixing, Home Buying, Housing Market, Loan Programs, Mortgage Loans & Rates, Tips, Tricks & How To's
Good morning, Memphis! Welcome to our internet listeners and podcast listeners across the 50 states! You’re on Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe. I’m your host, Jo Garner, Mortgage Loan Officer. You can connect with me at Our general topic is Network for...
by Jo Garner | Nov 29, 2021 | Benefits, Finances, Financing, Financing & Refinancing, Home Buying, Housing Market, Loan Programs, Mortgage Loans & Rates
Today we are opening our phone lines to hear from YOU. We are recounting reasons to be thankful for owning your home. I will be telling some stories of clients who used to real estate to make their lives better. Tom King will be talking about the value of homes and...